I was born on 21-9-1977 in a tiny 300 habitants village called Prinias located in the centre of Crete,Greece ’s greatest island.I am the third and youngest child of my family.I also have 2 sisters.My 700 meters altitude village isolated from the urban centers of the island does not offer a lot of opportunities.The habitants live exclusively from the culture of olive trees dry grapes and sheeps.My familly was dedicated to the dry grapes production.Poor income for a 5 members family.
From my early yeas I realized that I had a great gift in sports.I could run faster than anyone I could jump longer I could play soccer better than anybody I was great in basketball and volleyball and until the end of highschool undeafeted in any kind of race,game,match or sport activity.But I was at the wrong place and at the wrong time…My parents could not realize the size of my talent inside their hard farm
activities that I joined every afternoon just after the school.My texts and my writings were full of dreams and expectations as great as being an Olympic champion.But the lack of interests from the part of my family and the lack of sports facilities in my area had already taken the decision…Forget your dreams,you will never be a professional athlete..
At the age of 17 I left from my village in order to be better prepaired for the university entrance exams.I was settled in Heraclion the capital of the island into my sisters tiny house that a few years ago had been married.Inside the capital I had the chance to hunt my dream s for the very first time.I was choosen into OFI CRETE youths a first division professional soccer team and considered as a unique and rarely showen talent.At the same time as I was preparing gor the sports academy of Athens I had to practice some track events such as 100,400 meters long jump and shot put.I could easily play a 90 minutes soccer game and 1 hour after run a 10.90 in 100m or have a 7 meters jump .It was the first time in my life that I understood the meaning of the word happiness…but unfortunately this was not going to last for a long…It was Saturday afternoon when after a morning football game I had a track meeting.I runed 11.10 in 100 meters and minutes after I was prepairing for my first long jump attempt.I did my effort…and the end had come…fallen into the sand and with great pain int my back I was waiting the ambulance and I was saying goodbye to my dreams.The diagnosis?my disk had been moved…. I Spend 3 months on a handicapped chair and I finally avoided the surgery.But the doctors were clear..you will never be able again to practice any sport,that could mean permanent disability..i was shocked..inside my 18 old teen soul my life was fallen…
It was tough for me to accept that and to change totally my orientation but I had to do it.So I left from my island in 1996 and I went to study sports administration,firstly in Athens and then in Barcelona,Spain.During all those years I had to work really hard and study at the same time.I did everything…I worked as a carpets seller,as a security guard,as a waiter,as a soft drinks seller in the beaches of Barcelona,in many night clubs,in the fruits collection and much more…but I finally did it.Ι became fluent in English,Spanish,Italian,Portuguese and I returned to Greece ready for a good carrear.
A few months before the Athens 2004 olympic games I returned to my homeland.It was not difficult for me to find a good and well paid job.I became the tourist representative of a giant Spanish company.The salary was good the conditions too,so I was satisfied.
It was August of 2004.I was waiting some clients at the airport of Heraclion while the olympic games wereabout to begin.The flight had a long delay so I watched the whole ceremony from the airport.I saw the greek flag entering first as always into the stadium,I saw the happiness of all the participants athletes of all those wellknown and less known nations and something changed inside my heart.What was I doing in a croweded airports waiting for some old VIP clients at the age of my sport edge?This is what I deserve?this is what I was dreaming of?The decision was easy…I will do my step…
In Octomber 2004 I first entered in the stadium . I was 27 yers old and I was shamed to ask from some trainer to assume me .What could I say?hello I am 27 I have no experience in track ,I want to start now and in 2 -3 years become a professionall athlete.You can imagine the answer…So I started training on my own with the help and supervision of a good friend of me and ex runner.In May 2005 I did my first race.22.92 in 200 meters.One month later I did one more,23.05.
In 2006 I kept training on my own and I had a huge development to 22.20 from 22.92 last year.In 2006 I had my first participation in a national championship and my fisrt international participation in Vardinodianneia meeting.In 2007 a started training with a professional coach in OFI team.I had great expectations but unfortunatelly because of injures and others factors I did 22.23.At the end of the season I decided to try 400 meters and I did an easy -without preparation -49.47.
After the 49.47 in my first ever race I decided to t practice exclusively 400 meters.There is no doubt that 400 meters suits me better.I still have the enthusiasm og a teenager and the mental stability of my 30 years.Will I be able to run 47.60-48?I think I can…
I have already sacrifice,a lot of things.I left my job,every year i work 2-3 months just to be able to live and keep training the rest 9-10.I have no sponsors,I have no other incomes,my club does not pay me or any other athlete.Profesionaly I have no development,I oftenly fight with my family about my decision.
Sometimes I am wondering if all this is really worthing…The answer is easy…I have no right against my childhood to abandone my dreams.I have started to live the experience of a professional athlete-it doesn’t matter the level-and I will fight until the end to be improved and get to higher levels.
Obvsiously there is a problem …my age that surroundes me every day.At the moment I am the winner of the fight between me and the time..At the near future?Keep watching my blog…
¡Hola Antonis!
Soy la chica Española de Madrid al lado de la que cenaste el día 31 de Agosto en la cena turística.
(Morena,pelo rizado, ojos verdes...no sé si me recordarás...)
Me he quedado con la boca abierta al leer tu blog.
Has conseguido grandes cosas.
Si has conseguido todo eso en sólo 3 años ¿por qué no ibas a alcanzar tu meta?
No te rindas. Vales mucho.
Espero que consigas patrocinador y apoyo económico pronto.
Un Besazo desde Madrid.
Soy Cristina otra vez.
He visto que tienes un link para hacer donativos, aportaré mi granito de arena....
Enviaré información de tu blog a unos amigos por si pueden aportar algo.
Por cierto mi dirección de correo es:
Otro beso desde Madrid.
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