Only 3 years have passed since the first time I putted my spikes and I entered into the field for the very first time.Nothing unusual you could say…but when you have 27 years then its a little bit different...

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Back to action!

Here i am again!Almost 5 years since my last post i return back still active and still full of dreams.
So ,what happened during those lasts years in Greece?I guess you all know the answer...The economic crisis and the recession,strong and brutal as never before in a western nation.
Cruel austerity measures and change of priorities. Everybody was effected,surviving was more important than sports.  Fundings were dramatically reduced and most amateur athletics clubs collapsed.
 We,the athletes ,were the real victims of this situation,the vast majority of my colleges stopped running and the level of the Greek track and field stopped to be competitive. I was a victim myself since my club wasn't able to support me anymore ,so,i had to leave the country as thousands of other Greeks nowadays.
 After 3 years working and leaving around Europe i am back to my homeland again .This time i have a great goal and i am determined to achieve it...Which one is this great goal?Coming soon in featured posts...

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